Managing Combined-Cycle 权力 Facility Fire Risk with NFPA 850

Edward Simbles

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随着工业和公用事业部门寻求满足日益增长的电力需求,联合循环发电厂目前越来越受欢迎, reduce emissions and lower energy costs. According to the U.S. Energy Information (EIA), from 2022 to 2023, 13 combined cycle-气体 turbine (CCGT) plants came online in the United States with a combined capacity of 12.4 GW.

The EIA expects another 4.9 GW of additional CCGT additions in 2024 and 2025. Given increases in energy consumption, 促进可持续发展和减少排放的环境法规, and technological advancements, 在接下来的十年里,联合循环发电厂的数量只会继续增长.

联合循环电厂存在火灾风险,并引起人们对生命安全的特别关注. Gas-fired turbine engines, 加上极热表面的存在和润滑油的使用, pose a fire risk. If fire is not recognized and extinguished quickly, it can result in millions of dollars in damage, prolonged downtimes and loss of productivity.

遵循NFPA 850提供的建议可以帮助确保有效的消防系统并降低联合循环发电厂的火灾/爆炸风险, maximizing the safety of personnel, facilities and the community.

NFPA 850: A Basis for Good Industry Practice

NFPA 850促进了一种系统的方法来识别和管理非核发电厂和高压直流变换器发电站的火灾和爆炸风险. While this standard has been in effect since 2020, it has not been widely implemented, 也许是因为它被认为是推荐的指导而不是要求.

最终, NFPA 850中提出的建议代表了良好的皇家88娱乐惯例,可以应用于新的和现有的石油, 气体, 煤炭, and alternative fuel electrical generating plants, including combustion turbine units used for electric generation. 它还为保护工厂人员和周围环境提供指导,同时从资产替换和业务中断的角度促进对关键工厂设备的保护.

确定和实施NFPA 850建议通常涉及进行火灾风险评估(FRE)和创建防火设计基础文件(DBD)。. NFPA 850 provides the framework for a Fire Protection DBD, 基于潜在的火灾/爆炸风险和目标,描述了电力设施消防系统的设计原理, 目标, 以及为可接受的防火水平建立的标准. 火灾风险评估对于识别火灾/爆炸风险和制定DBD至关重要.


火灾风险评估有助于确定设施的具体危害和可接受风险水平,同时为建议消防策略提供基础. FREs通常包括实现以下目标的定性风险评估.

1) Identify the fire and explosion hazards. The plant is subdivided into physical areas from the plot plan, and fire and explosion hazards are identified for each area.

2) Characterize the frequency and consequences of each hazard. The hazards (i.e., 然后使用为每个区域确定的火源和缓解战略来确定危害频率并支持后果分析. 每个区域的火灾/爆炸的后果包括人员受伤的可能性, critical asset/function loss, suspended plant operations, and environmental damage. 是否有有效的缓解措施可能会影响后果排序.

3) Determine the risk results. Using a risk matrix, 然后从频率和后果的不同组合中获得每个区域(或场景)的最终风险级别. 被确定为符合适用规范的区域通常被视为“足以应对危害”,,因为建议的防火设计符合规范的要求/建议. 皇家88账户注册可能包括配备(或指定)符合NFPA 850建议的自动灭火区域,以及没有自动灭火要求/建议的区域, 只要处理方法符合基于绩效的皇家88娱乐惯例.

4) Communicate recommendations. 从缓解战略角度确定为"低于标准"的地区在自由评估中确定, 以及维持可容忍的风险水平的建议措施. 皇家88账户注册些措施可包括提高认识的培训或减少或控制危害风险的行政控制.

Mitigate Fire Risks and Ensure Compliance

Developing FREs and DBDs is an iterative process, 特别是对于每个地区可能尚未完全建立防火战略的新装置. FRE和DBD一起为各种利益相关者提供输入,以支持决策.

皇家88账户注册在电力皇家88娱乐的火灾风险评估方面有着丰富的经验. In addition to developing FREs and DBD, 延森休斯专家可以审查适用的设计,以确定是否符合业主的要求, AHJ, and insurer fire and life safety requirements.

Headshot of Edward Simbles

关于 the author

Edward Simbles
Ed在电力皇家88娱乐拥有近四十年的工程和项目管理经验, primarily in risk analysis and design basis reconstitution.